"Command, govern, and protect all penguins in Antarctica, the purpose is to continue the existence of ancestors" "指揮,治理和保護南極州的所有企鵝,目的是繼續祖先的存在意義"
Read More"Command, govern, and protect all penguins in Antarctica, the purpose is to continue the existence of ancestors" "指揮,治理和保護南極州的所有企鵝,目的是繼續祖先的存在意義"
Read MoreMy duty is to bring the Two Pole Alliance to the North Pole, and ask the animals in the Arctic to participate in the action together 我的職責就是把南極的兩極聯盟,帶到北極,並要求北極的動物們,一起參與行動
Read More"The reason why we go to the sea to find food is not to satisfy my stomach, but to survive。" "我們去海邊尋找食物的原因不是為了滿足我的胃,而是為了生存。"
Read More"We are natural enemies of penguins, but starting today, we all have a common enemy ..." "我們是企鵝的天敵,但從今天開始,我們都有一個共同的敵人……"
Read More"Although we are killer whales, we have never killed anyone, Except those raised by humans " "儘管我們是虎鯨,但我們從未殺過任何人,除了人類飼養的人"
Read More"We are in New Zealand and are good friends with the Maori people because they have great respect for their ancestors.Often treat ancestors as elements of nature, know how to be grateful, you will know how to love each other" “我們在新西蘭,與毛利人是好朋友,因為他們尊重祖先。經常將祖先視為大自然的組成部分,懂得感恩,會懂得彼此相愛”
Read More"We are not the lowest level of the food chain, but our existence is to provide millions of marine animals with the required thermal energy, which is our pride." "我們不是食物鏈的最低層,但我們的存在是為數百萬海洋動物提供所需的熱能,這是我們的驕傲。"
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