"The King of Polar Bear manages all the animals in the Arctic, but there are already problems in its kingdom." 「北極熊國王管理著北極地區的所有動物,但王國中已經存在問題。」
Read More"The King of Polar Bear manages all the animals in the Arctic, but there are already problems in its kingdom." 「北極熊國王管理著北極地區的所有動物,但王國中已經存在問題。」
Read More"This is a plastic sword. There are many similar things from the floe ice. Although I don’t know what is the use, I can play this human game with my brother." “這是一把塑料劍。浮冰上還有很多類似的東西。儘管我不知道有什麼用,但我可以和我的兄弟一起玩這種人類游戲。”
Read MoreMy left eye was scratched by humans hunting, but I also killed all those humans 我的左眼是被人類狩獵時所弄肓,但我也把那批人類全殺掉了
Read MoreWe polar bears have many races, but for the time being, I only know that my race is the strongest 我們北極熊有很多族群,但我暫時只知,我這族群是實力最強大
Read More"We arctic foxes always follow behind the polar bears, but we seem to follow their ending too" 「我們北極狐,總是跟著北極熊背後,但我們好像也跟著牠們的結局呢!」
Read MoreWe live on the largest island on earth and live with the Greenland Inuit people here. 我們居住在地球最大的島上,和這裡的格陵蘭因紐特人共同生活。
Read MoreThe Greenland Glacier has been reducing, and we have no choice but to invade other Arctic places 格棱蘭冰川已經不斷減少,我們無辦法之下,只能入侵其他北極的地方。我們知道這是迫不得己
Read MoreI am mainly active in the Arctic, North America, and Asia. I have a broad knowledge, so I also look down on the world. 我主要活躍於北極、北美和亞洲一帶。 我擁有廣泛的知識,因此我也看不起這個世界了。
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